

The CaptureDNA Quickstart

Discovery and Consultation

During this phase, we lead you in a structured discussion to understand how you currently conduct business and your goals with Salesforce. With this deep understanding of your business, we organize your data, setup the most effective way for your users to interact with Salesforce, and determine the interfaces and reports you need to gain new insights into your business.

Setup and Customization

We use the information uncovered during Discovery and Consultation to configure the user interface and port your data into Salesforce. During this phase, we ensure that once your data is in Salesforce, it will be searchable, meaningful, and useful in a way that it has never been before.

To keep your data safe, we establish and deploy a security structure that protects sensitive data while allowing users to see what they need to in order to conduct business effectively.

We create user interfaces, reports, and dashboards, customized to your needs. This includes page layouts your users will return to again and again, not only to enter data, but to visualize key information.  Reports and dashboards allow users to see their business with clarity and insight. Additionally, during this phase, we deploy automatic systems to keep your data clean and effective.


When Salesforce is ready to go, we provide training to your users that guarantees their success. We provide remote or onsite training—or a combination of the two—and can continue past the training provided with the Quickstart. Click here to learn about our training options. 

Ongoing Support

At the end of a Quickstart, our team is available to provide additional support to your business. As you start working with Salesforce, you may decide that you want help from an experienced administrator,  but don’t feel that you need someone full time. In these cases, we are able to provide an experienced, fully-certified Salesforce administrator on a part-time basis (sometimes as little as 5-10 hours per week). Click here for more information.

Are you looking to train a new administrator, or hone the skill set of someone already on board? Our team can share best practices, routine maintenance concepts, or customization methods to best suit your users.


A Quickstart for a small business typically ranges from $5,000-$8,000. Interested in lowering your cost? We are happy to guide you where you can reduce your cost for a Quickstart.